A Lethal Creature, and a Fushigi-eating Fish

The United States government is currently doing nothing to quelch this incoming thunderstorm. While they have sent many a man into the Middle East to fight wars, they have sent absolutely nobody to battle the dilemma of Fushigis adrift in the depths of ocean, known to house hundreds of creatures that are known to eat these contact juggling balls. The diet of Oranda, or Carassius auratus, is known to not just include, but to be completely comprised of acrylic, the primary ingredient for Fushigi. The waste output of these fish are also toxic to the environment and to society in general by releasing gamma radiation and UV rays, which are harmful to the biological society of the ocean. The United States should stop paying so much attention to the smaller details, and begin to pay attention to the larger ones: the loss of Fushigis to the ocean.

Douglas Fernandez

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